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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  January 31, 2013 12:35am-1:35am PST

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and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh. that's what it feels like. that's a great new york city crowd right there. make you feel good. thank you so much. welcome everyone. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." [ cheers and applause ] i've got a fun show. a lot of good people. a lot of fun people on the show tonight. welcome everyone. now here's what everyone -- here's what people are talking about. super bowl xlvii.
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[ cheers and applause ] yeah. the san francisco 49ers and the baltimore ravens this weekend. [ cheers ] big news. big news today is that ravens linebacker ray lewis may have used a performance-enhancing substance. [ audience ohs ] called deer antler extract. [ laughter ] which explains how lewis has been preparing for sunday's game, staring into a set of headlights. [ laughter ] [ applause ] deer antlers. >> steve: oh, dear. >> jimmy: did you hear about the 49ers coach jim harbaugh is making news after he said yesterday that people spend too much time on, quote, the facebooking and the tweeter. [ laughter ] facebooking and the tweeter. doesn't sound like a super bowl person. sounds like bill cosby. [ impersonating cosby ] with the facebooking and the tweeter and tumblring and the poking with the -- instagram. [ cheers and applause ]
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i read that the average super bowl party will actually have 17 people. [ light laughter ] that's true. 16 friends and that one guy who cornered you at work friday afternoon. was like, "hey, having a party? i heard about your three-alarm chili. i only taste two alarms. oops, got the third one. what are the rules of football?" [ laughter ] fun guy. fun guy. >> steve: super fun. >> jimmy: fun guy to have at the party. check this out. advertising for this year's super bowl is more expensive than it's ever been. a 30-second spot. guess. $4 million, exactly. $4 million. some companies are trying to save money. they're having commercials that aren't quite as long. check out this one for taco bell. >> taco bell. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's smart. it's the gets the point across. [ cheers and applause ] it gets the point across >> steve: you know it. >> jimmy: 1.5 million for that. $1.5 million. >> steve: that's a bargain.
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>> jimmy: get this, you guys. a zoo in california announced that its monkey has randomly picked the 49ers to win the super bowl. [ light laughter ] and not surprisingly its deer picked ray lewis and the ravens. [ laughter ] the deer likes ray lewis. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: and this is weird. a lot of people were saying that ravens quarterback, joe flacco, is supposedly a boring guy, very boring, and flacco's dad -- this is awful, his dad recently came out and called his son dull. [ laughter ] he said, "yeah, he's dull. he's boring." why would you do that? but we actually got a hold of some of his thoughts. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: joe flacco's. it's pretty eye-opening. take a look at this first photo here. here's flacco. he's looking down for an open man down the field. i remember this game, it was really exciting. let's see what he was thinking during this moment? i like plain, dry toast. [ laughter ] let's look at another one here. you can see the intensity in his eyes. let's see what he's thinking. i wonder if the p.t. cruiser comes in beige? [ laughter ] that's what he's thinking. here's one more. he's running on field. that's got to be exciting. let's see what's going on in his mind.
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i was thinking of buying new jeans yesterday but then i didn't. [ laughter ] maybe, he is dull. i don't know, maybe he is dull. a good quarterback. listen to this, guys. today president obama sat down for an interview with telemundo to rally support for his immigration plan. [ cheers and applause ] good. he told the telemundo network that implementing immigration reform was the primary gooooal! [ cheers and applause ] it was interesting. and finally an employee of the u.s. postal service is retiring after 44 years without using any of her sick days. yeah. friends describe her as dedicated, while co-workers describe her as that lady who gave me the flu. [ laughter ] we have a great show, tonight. please give it up for the roots, everybody. ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ain't no valley low enough ♪
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♪ ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you, babe ♪ ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ain't no valley low enough ♪ ♪ ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you, babe ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is the one and only michael bolton sitting in with the roots tonight! [ cheers and applause ] talented man. good looking man, the ladies love their michael bolton. his upcoming album "ain't no mountain high enough: a tribute to hitsville usa" is in stores february 26th and has a book out too. "the soul of it all." just came out yesterday. it's fantastic. michael bolton. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for being here, buddy. >> my pleasure. >> jimmy: you're awesome. >> it's awesome to be here. awesome to finally play with the roots. >> jimmy: come on, you haven't done this already? this sounds like these guys have hung out before.
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>> first of what i hope is many, many times. >> jimmy: yeah, many, yeah. do you doing a tour with this record? >> i am, but primarily february 8th from las vegas and the venetian. we're going to broadcast hsm live. and that will be the launch of the record which is "hitsville." smokey robinson is going to join me. >> jimmy: really. >> motown legends are going to be there. >> jimmy: smokey robinson. i love smokey robinson. quick story. i went to an event. this is before i had this show, for unicef, a charity event. and i went to this thing. it was very nice. i went down the red carpet and i was talking to all these people with unicef doing these great things for children. and i remember the little boxes for unicef, you know, halloween and people would have them and then reporters were looking at me weird. and i was giving an award to smokey robinson, so i get backstage, i go back stage and i'm the only white guy there. [ light laughter ] i go, what's going on? this is kind of odd. i'm the only white person in the building. and i go, so odd.
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and i called my publicist, and i look at the sign. it wasn't unicef, it's uncf, united negro college fund. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i was at an event for uncf, not unicef. anyway, february 8th in vegas. we'll be checking that out. michael bolton. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a great show tonight. this guy is a great actor. love him when he stops by. jude law is back on the show! [ cheers and applause ] always fun. >> steve: he's best. >> jimmy: bringing the fun. one of the greatest boxers of all time. iron mike tyson is here! [ cheers and applause ] plus, he's here with this new virtual reality head set. we're going to look at the new blackberry. our resident tech expect joshua topolsky is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] and then if you like music, we have bad religion on the show tonight! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh, man. >> jimmy: it is just fantastic. it's fun. i'm so excited. as you guys know, we're always striving to get better here at
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"late night." ♪ harder better faster stronger ♪ so before every show we put out a suggestion box for the audience just to get some feedback about what you guys think of the show, things you like to see us do, that kind of stuff. so let's look inside the "audience suggestion box." let's do it. ♪ what's inside the box the suggestion box ♪ >> jimmy: there you go. thank you guys for sending these in. "hey, jimmy, can you put your microphone up to your chest so we can hear your heart beat." [ light laughter ] sorry, i've never tried that before, but -- [ heart beating ] pretty good. interesting. quest you want to try it? >> quest: sure. [ drum beat ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, pretty cool. frank, let's hear yours. [ percussion beat ]
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[ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] all right. kirk. [ guitar riff ] [ cheers and applause ] all right. how about mark? [ bass riff ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] wow, very nice. damon? [ tuba notes ] very good, very, very nice. all right, all right, all right. tariq. why don't you give it a try. ♪ heart beat i'm tariq's heart beat ♪ >> jimmy: very good. [ applause ] james. [ keyboard plays ] [ cheers and applause ] thank you. very good. finally, kamal.
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[ sinister laugh ] let me out! ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] very nice. very good. all right. very good. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, guys. fun game. take another one here. next suggestion is from melissa gomez. "hey, jimmy, can you find someone in your audience who looks like a cross between justin long and eli manning?" cross between justin long and eli manning. let's check the audience and see if there's -- what? yeah, that looks about right. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] pretty good. i would say perfect. perfect. thank you, dave. almost eerie. [ laughter ] from steve mccoy. "jimmy, what happens when you push that button?" i'm not sure. i've never pressed it. >> audience: press it! >> jimmy: all right.
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[ light laughter ] [ boing ] oh, okay. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: weird. >> steve: oh. ow! [ applause ] oh, boy. >> jimmy: "hey, jimmy" -- from darc tyler. "hey, jimmy, i'm so jazzed for the super bowl. i'm a huge nfl fan. i'm also a big jerry seinfeld fan. is there any way you can combine those two things?" combine the nfl and jerry seinfeld? yeah, we can do that. so ladies and gentlemen, here's a clip of an nfl highlight but instead of the regular announcer's voice it's jerry seinfeld's voice. >> okay, people second down and fourth. the snap. it's a qb fake. kaepernick keeps it. he fools everyone! he's at the 40, the 30, the 20, the 10, 5, touchdown 49ers! what a game. have you seen games like this?
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>> jimmy: very good, very nice. [ cheers and applause ] this is from greg ellis. "hey, jimmy, i just started using twitter. i'm not sure exactly how to use it. can you have someone come on your show and help me out and can that person be christoph waltz's character' from the movie "django unchained?" [ laughter ] [ cheers ] we like to use twitter a lot on our show. i think would be worthwhile to show you how to use it. so here's actor christoph waltz as his character from the movie "django unchained" to talk to you about how to use twitter. >> thank you, jimmy. of course, there is the whole system of twitter etiquette to be observed. for example, if someone followed you and you know that person and you like that person. it is only polite to then follow that person back. >> jimmy: that makes sense. [ cheers ] that makes sense. anything else?
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>> maybe you have a friend on twitter that constantly favorites your tweets rather than re-tweeting them in which case i would say that that person doesn't really like you. and actually feels more sorry for you than anything else. ta-da. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there you go. that is actor christoph waltz. [ cheers and applause ] fantastic. another one here from preston cahill. says "what happens when you push that other button?" [ cheers ] i've never -- all right. [ boing ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: michael bolton.
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>> jimmy: this one is from ed thompson. "hey, jimmy, do you think you can predict who will win the super bowl, and can you do it using puppies?" [ cheers ] predict the super bowl using puppies? i think we can do that, yeah. let's head over to our puppy predictor. here we go. ♪ puppy predictor puppy predictor ♪ >> jimmy: we are using the power of puppies to predict who is going to win the super bowl, and here's how it works. right here are two bowls of food. one marked ravens, the other marked 49ers, and behind this wall are five puppies. [ cheers ] after i release them, the bowl that attracts the most puppies will be the team that wins the super bowl. guys ready to see who is going to win the super bowl? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's meet our puppies first. there they are right there. oh, hey guys. [ audience aws ] hey. okay, guys. okay, guys.
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now -- it looks like they are hyper. before i release you i need you to listen to me, okay? you know the deal. the objective is to race to one of those bowls as fast -- are you listening to me? hey, don't fall asleep. [ audience aws ] now, i don't want to see any butt-sniffing or peeing or playful romping. yeah, there we go. you know what i'm talking about. arnold, arnold, thank you for focusing. now, look. you've got to go. focus, guys. focus. oh, you're ganging up on this poor person. i feel bad. yeah, aw. oh, wow. [ light laughter ] all right. ready. here we go. you've got to pick who is going to win the super bowl. you ready? [ cheers ] blue 32. blue 32. hut, hut. ♪ not all at once. [ cheers ] all right. not all at once. here we go. come on, guys. there you go.
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go for it. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: any one, any one of the bowls. there you go. [ cheers ] he went back. he doesn't want to do it. there you go. there you go, bud. there go. you can do it. take it. there you go. oh. [ cheers ] oh my --e the ravens! oh, my goodness! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] there they did it. oh, my goodness. they did it, guys. we have a super bowl winner. the ravens! [ cheers and applause ] that's all the time we have for "audience suggestion box." stick around. we'll be right back with jude law, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ever since mom and dad have been working with viva, people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. [ phone ding! ] another dare. they're proving that viva doesn't play by the rules. dunk it again for the close-up. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this.
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♪ that is tough when wet. at least the fame hasn't gone to their heads. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. the camera loves your mom. she's a natural. the camera loves your mom. i played a round of in the last five hours? then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater; jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours.
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women hate dandruff. but now, sad man, you're saved by an anti-dandruff shampoo. clear men with mint, ginseng and tea tree. clear men feeds your scalp and stops dandruff at the source. ♪ ahh, look at him now. admire his scalp. he's heroic. clear men. stop dandruff at the source, perfect man.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking right there, michael bolton. awesome stuff. you guys, our first guest this evening is an academy award nominated actor. some of his recent films includes "sherlock holmes" and "hugo." starting next friday, february 8th you can see him opposite channing tatum -- [ cheers and applause ] you love channing tatum. rooney mara. i also forgot to say jude law's also in "anna -- ka --karenina." [ cheers and applause ] he's got a new movie out. it's a thrill called, "side effect." brand new movie. he is a talented man. jude law, everybody!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: jude law! >> jimmy. >> jimmy: dude, always good to see you, my friend. >> good to see you. >> jimmy: look the you here on the cover of the "new york times" looking as sexy as ever with your beard. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: very, very sexy gentleman there. we have a sexy show. a sexy show. you, michael bolton, and mike tyson. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you meet mike? >> i did. i just met mike, yeah. it was -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> it was fantastic. i've always wanted to meet mike tyson. >> jimmy: yeah. were you scared? >> no. >> jimmy: no, you weren't. >> no, no. he was charming. >> jay: he's very charming. >> i've been a big fan of boxing for many, many years. >> jimmy: yeah. >> many years. did you like -- do you like -- manny -- oh my goodness. >> yeah -- i like lewis. i'm british, right. [ talking over each other ] >> boxing is one of those sports i always think where, you know,
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where -- actually this is easy for me to say because i'm british and we haven't found ever many good boxers. >> jimmy: no. >> in history we have, but not recently. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but it never felt like you, you know, support your country. you just support the guy you like. >> jimmy: but isn't -- not really a country thing. >> yeah, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: yeah, totally, man. did you -- did you ever take boxing like training or anything, you must have? >> i can't talk about my boxing when mike tyson is here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's true. that's silly. yeah. >> yeah, i was really good. >> jimmy: yeah. did you fight? >> i was an amazing boxer. >> jimmy: do you -- [ laughter ] >> i think -- i think we should do -- i mean, i still do a little bit of boxing training. >> jimmy: you do? -- >> i'm mentioning that on the same show as mike tyson. >> jimmy: are you awful? >> yeah, a little bit. >> jimmy: are you good? >> no, i'm all right. i'm all right. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> i mean -- i do things -- >> jimmy: i've seen you fight in movies and stuff like that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but -- >> guys just fly down there. >> jimmy: do you remember your first fight as a kid? >> i remember a kid at school, it's funny, isn't it, thinking about, yeah, this kid called lloyd brooks. >> jimmy: yeah you always remember the kids name, right? >> how you doing, lloyd? >> jimmy: yeah. yeah, lloyd brooks.
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you little -- >> got a little broke tooth. >> jimmy: did he really? >> i just remembered that. >> jimmy: oh, he's a tough kid! >> we fought all the time. i went to this school. these -- this school opened in a project near to where i grew up. and -- it was quite a rough school, and, yeah, me and lloyd got at it most days. >> jimmy: really? >> and then one day -- >> jimmy: how old? >> six or seven. >> jimmy: really? >> we did it on the football pitch. >> jimmy: i mean that's a baby play. >> is it? oh, you said my first fight. oh, you mean, my first real fight. >> jimmy: yeah. wait, what were you doing, like rolling around together? you and lloyd -- [ laughter ] >> slapping each other. >> jimmy: slapping each other yeah. poor lloyd -- i mean a real -- i mean was it -- would you ever fight for fun? >> oh -- no, no. we didn't get on. >> jimmy: oh, you didn't. >> on the one day lloyd disappeared. it was nothing to do with me. >> jimmy: yeah, right. yeah, right. [ laughter ] don't mess with jude law, okay. take a lesson from this. [ applause ] >> what about you? what about you? >> jimmy: my first fight? >> yeah, you were obviously older than 6. >> jimmy: well, yeah. in america, we play it later. i think, yeah. [ laughter ] i think i was like 14. i'm actually best friends with the guy now. >> for real? >> jimmy: yes. q-ball, sean -- his name is q-ball.
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and we fought -- we scheduled the time because we -- [ laughter ] i worked at the grocery store packing bags, and he was on the soccer team so we couldn't -- we didn't know -- >> well, we're fighting -- what happened? just a general disagreement? >> jimmy: i had gave a flower to this girl that he was going out this. >> always about a girl. always about a girl. [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: but i didn't know the two were going out. and i'm like dude, it was my bad. my -- definitely my fault. >> yeah. >> so we fought. and we -- he scheduled time sunday it was morning at like 6:00 in the morning. the only time to do it. [ laughter ] and it was an empty cemetery, like an unused plot, you know, so the field and we met there -- >> a dramatic feeling >> --6:00 in the morning and i had a karate teacher, and he showed up to the fight. he leaned in. he had like a muscle car, a camaro and he leaned -- and he has mustache and looked like kind of like chuck norris and he leaned back and he was there to support me. and -- and i was awful, and i got beat up. [ laughter ] he was a little disappointed he had to get back in his car and -- the car away. but after i fought sean, i guess as we were fighting -- we really fought.
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i ripped his chain off. you know 'cause it was just -- >> did it have the girl -- >> jimmy: i fought like this. and i ripped his chain and at then end -- after the fight he's goes, oh, my chain is ripped off and i helped him look for his chain. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] here you go. that was so dumb. but anyway, so -- let's talk about "side effects." this is -- i'm very excited about this movie. steven soderbergh. >> steven soderbergh. you always know when you're in steven soderbergh's hands, you're going to be in -- >> jimmy: rumors are saying online that it might be his last film. >> hmm-mm. he said this may well be his last film. yeah, it's a terrible shame. >> jimmy: crazy. >> well, he's got lots of others -- you know, he's a painter and photographer, and i think he wants to just try other stuff. nothing to do with me, again. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: don't mess with jude law. all right. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he will change your career. >> he crossed me. >> jimmy: he crossed -- no more. no more for you. but this -- explain what this movie is, like a thriller. >> it is like a thriller. it's set in the world of psychiatry -- psychiatrists. i'm treating a patient. rooney mara plays the patient.
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>> jimmy: love rooney mara. >> she's a very cool lady -- [ cheers and applause ] and a very a great actress. >> jimmy: and she has a dragon tattoo, really now. >> does she have one more real? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. she does, yeah, no. >> have you looked? >> jimmy: no -- no. >> and she's basically -- there's a huge twist in this film. there are a couple but there's one particular one, so i don't really want give a lot of it away. >> jimmy: yeah. >> theirs is a -- there's a murder and the -- the drug or prescription drugs are used as an alibi and my character's life sort of changes for the worse and i try to piece it all back together. >> jimmy: and channing tatum. >> channing tatum's it in. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you and channing tatum, i mean, come on. >> catherine zeta-jones is in it. >> jimmy: oh, really. [ cheers and applause ] >> yup. >> jimmy: fantastic. i want to show a clip. not giving too much away. here's the great jude law, rooney mara in "side effects" in theaters next friday. >> i just got your message. >> i went to your office and you weren't there. i came here and -- could we just go talk?
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>> if this an emergency? i can admit you. >> no, i just -- just like when i was in the car. i have to go work, i just need five minute. >> you going into work after? okay. five minutes. >> okay. >> call me after you're there. >> jimmy: oh, that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] "side effects" is in theaters february 8th. our thanks to jude law. we love you, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] mike tyson joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ red lobster's 30 shrimp. wow, that's a lot of shrimp.
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[ male announcer ] it's red lobster's 30 shrimp! for $11.99 pair any two shrimp selections on one plate! like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. just $11.99. offer ends soon! i'm ryon stewart, and i sea food differently. just $11.99. offer ends soon! time can ofbe...well...taxing. so right now we'll give you... ...$10 off any turbo tax deluxe level software or higher! find thousands of big deals now... officemax. notice breaking, falling stop playing around!
1:04 am
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and now all the machines want in. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a boxing legend turned actor after a successful run on broadway. he's taking his one-man show, "mike tyson's undisputed truth," on a ten-week national tour starting on february 13th. please welcome back to the show mike tyson. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: always got the moves. you always got the moves. >> i try, i try. >> jimmy: no, come on. dude, you always come out and party. >> you got the roots. you got it. >> jimmy: dude, come on. thank you so much for coming back. congrats! i mean, you were here when you were about to start this. and then -- wham. it was explosion. giant success. >> that's cool. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i'm very happy. and then, i have to ask you this. this is directed by spike lee. it's fantastic. it's a great play, and then someone told me the story that you got heckled. people -- >> that's part of the game. you get heckling now and then. >> jimmy: who -- [ laughter ] who in their right mind would heckle mike tyson? [ laughter ] what is wrong with people? [ scattered applause ] what's wrong with people? >> i have no idea. >> jimmy: yeah. and they don't exist anymore, do they? >> no, it's -- [ laughter ] i don't know. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. yeah. i had nothing to do with it. yeah, exactly. because you're actually a really charming, nice man. you're not a -- because that's how you got trained. the first time i interviewed you, i was afraid. right now i'm afraid. [ laughter ]
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you're not answering me. >> you shouldn't be afraid. really shouldn't. >> jimmy: i really shouldn't. no, you're a charming guy. i met your daughter back stage. you're a nice guy, likable guy. >> and we like you. >> jimmy: and thank you. [ laughter ] we're friends. we're bffs. >> no doubt. upstate boys. >> jimmy: upstate boys. absolutely. >> upstate new york. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutly yeah. born in brooklyn, by the way, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: me, too. [ cheers and applause ] >> they kept us upstate to keep us out of trouble. >> jimmy: that's what they did. >> yeah, but i was already locked up, and they kept me further. [ laughter ] they -- further. >> jimmy: but you used to go to montano's, right? and get shoes? >> yes. >> jimmy: in saugerties. >> yes, i did. >> jimmy: that's right. we talked about that. but you're a very interesting guy. and then, i found this photo online. it's you afraid of a koala bear. [ laughter ] why would you be afraid -- afraid of a koala bear? what is going on? >> i don't know. i don't know that animal, you know. [ laughter ] you know, my experience with exotic animals -- you know, you don't touch any
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animal that's not yours. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but it's a koala bear. >> you know, i had a tiger -- my tiger was -- my tiger was -- very clean, the claws. that thing had claw with dirt -- it dirt on them. >> jimmy: you're afraid of a koala bear. dirty koala bear. get that koala bear -- you never know what's going to happen. you know what happens. once you go to pet it, and then it claws you and breaks -- hits, like, vein or something and kills you. and then, you're -- mike tyson got killed by a koala bear. [ laughter ] >> you can get blood poisoning. if they scratch, you get blood poisoned by this fungus and all that crap in their nails. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: bacteria. >> i don't know -- -- creepy stuff. >> jimmy: no, no, no. they're just creepy. >> west vile nirus -- virus. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: west vile nirus. [ cheers and applause ] come on. you got -- you got to. you got to laugh. but look at you here. you had to say it. it's all right. look at you. look at right here. that's what i'm talking about. you're on the streets. you're going on tour, my man. >> you'd think i'm nodding out. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: yeah, look. he's taking a little nap. he's taking a little nap there. [ laughter ] but it could be worse. look at this. look at the back. it could be this. that could be you. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] >> wow. >> jimmy: yeah, it's almost the same ad. almost the same poster. i've got to say, congrats on this thing. you're going on tour. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: in the one-man show you tell the story, very touching, that you talked to muhammad ali. >> yeah, this is pretty interesting. in the old station -- to albany. upstate albany, and we went to watch pay-per-view. october 2nd, 1980, never forget this day. muhammad ali comes out of retirement to fight larry holmes. ali -- you don't look at ali -- 40 and he's an old guy and he can't win. like, he's a god. he's invincible. >> jimmy: exactly. >> i never saw him fight, but that's just energy going around. this guy's a god. you heard about him for years. >> jimmy: how old were you? >> probably 15, 14. and so i go there. he gets -- he really gets mercilessly beat.
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and holmes just really beats him bad. so everybody goes home. not a word said in the car. so cus is on the phone with ali the next morning. and he's talking about me. he's angry at muhammad because he's saying how he never beat you. he's saying, i have a young kid who is going to be champion one day. he's 14. say something to him, ali. and he was saying that he was sick, and he took medicine. and he got sick. and i was crying, because i'm a schmuck. right? [ laughter ] [ sobbing ] and when i get big i'm going to get him for you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: crying. yeah, and then here's the cool part. you did. >> yeah, i did. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you fought him back at home, and you beat him for muhammad ali. that's good. so congratulations on that. we always love having you here, my friend. congratulations on everything. here you go. you guys -- [ cheers and applause ] for some info on the tour, log on to
1:12 am mike tyson! joshua topolsky joins us next. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day.
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1:14 am
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find it in these visine products.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is our resident technology expert and editor-in-chief of tonight he's going to show us some of the latest gadgets, including a virtual reality device called the oculus rift. please welcome back joshua topolsky. right here. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very clammy. very clammy hands. very clammy hands. >> your hands are deeply moisturized. that's what i like about them. >> jimmy: that's not true at all. >> that's not moisturizers? >> jimmy: no. what? your hands are just clammy. >> i think we can agree on one thing. >> jimmy: what's that? >> somebody's hands here are very wet. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: now, both of ours. >> both of our hands are wet. i like it. i'll be honest with you. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't mind it. >> all right. but i'm not here to talk about your hands. am i? >> jimmy: yeah. >> oh. >> jimmy: that's why you're here.
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>> well, they are quite beautiful. let me tell you. >> jimmy: no, less kidding. what do you got in your hand? >> so i don't know if you heard, there's a new blackberry. >> jimmy: yes! >> announced today. brand new. it's called the z10. >> jimmy: now, why would i want this? >> you love blackberries. >> jimmy: i do. >> what's interesting about this is it's actually brand new. this is a new interface, new operating system. >> jimmy: people are raving. >> brand new phone. it's actually pretty good. i mean, i have to say, it's got some cool features. one of the coolest things is it's got this camera mode called time shift. and what time shift does is, you can take a picture. >> jimmy: higgins. >> can you come over here? i know you want to. >> steve: i don't want to touch your hands though. >> you don't have to. >> jimmy: no, no, don't. please, don't touch his hands. >> my hands you won't touch. so what it does is, you can take a picture of a couple people. [ laughter ] hold on. >> steve: we're done with lynn's. >> jimmy: yeah. take your time. >> it's not working. there we go. hold on. so what it does is it detects faces. can we get this? so it will detect a face, and can you find the perfect moment. >> jimmy: a lot of face there. >> there is no perfect moment here. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> let's just say that one, right there. and then, we can do higgins here. >> jimmy: higgins face? >> yeah. get that going.
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[ laughter ] >> steve: ohh! wow! >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about! yeah. >> pretty cool, right? >> jimmy: that is fun! [ in robotic voice ] >> jimmy: that's rad. >> it's pretty cool. >> jimmy: i love that. how much is that one? >> $199, it's available in march in the u.s. and all over the world. some places it's available right now. it will be on all the carriers here. >> steve: it's pretty cool. i have to say, like -- they are definitely back in the game. this is a competitive device. >> jimmy: yeah, it is, right? >> steve: no, it's good. >> all right, so next stop. so you know we were at the consumer electronics show in las vegas. >> jimmy: congratulations. have you ever been there? >> steve: that's where we met. >> jimmy: yeah, it's very romantic. >> your wet hands. >> jimmy: your wet hands. >> my wet hands. >> jimmy: very clammy hands. >> okay, fine. >> jimmy: all right, no, i'm just kidding. >> so this thing that you looking at -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a little bit. >> just saying, i'll slide right in there. >> jimmy: i know you are. >> all right, whatever. [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: don't encourage it. >> sorry. >> jimmy: don't encourage it. [ cheers ] no one's going to slide right in there. okay, josh? >> i know what you're thinking. what's this? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i was thinking. what is this? >> this is a razor's edge. the thing's really cool. this is -- the company says "the world's most powerful tablet." it's a full pc. it plays games that -- they look
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incredible on it. so it's a tablet. you can dock it and play games. you can dock it into a laptop dock and use it as a laptop. and it has this crazy thing, which is a game pad. you can dock it into this, and it's basically like -- kind of an xbox experience with a full windows tablet. >> jimmy: pretty powerful. >> it's really good. you want to play it? >> jimmy: sure. >> here, i'm going to hand it off to you. the goal here is not to crash. so this is really cool. people were raving about it at c.e.s. and the thing that's really interesting about it is if you just -- >> jimmy: wait, i just stopped. [ laughter ] >> because your hands are so slippery. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. that's not true. your hands are slippery! >> so, yeah, just -- and the thing that's amazing is it plays every pc game. i mean, it's a full-on windows pc. it does everything you expect a windows pc to do. but you can throw it in a bag -- and you're doing a great job at driving, by the way. >> jimmy: i just want to stop. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> it's really -- >> jimmy: but it vibrates -- it's pretty fun. >> so this is -- no, it's very cool. and this is -- >> jimmy: it vibrates -- [ laughter ] everything should vibrate, right? >> how dare you. >> jimmy: i know. >> so this coming in the next couple of months. $999 for the tablet. $249 for the dock. >> jimmy: what?
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999? >> yeah, $999. it's a computer. >> jimmy: $1,000? >> it's a computer. it's a pc but it's a laptop in it. all right, let's go. let's get over here. [ laughter ] all right, so sit down. i just want you to sit down. >> jimmy: okay, this is weird. don't do anything weird to me. >> i take these. i want you to put these on. >> jimmy: this is the -- everyone is talking about this thing. >> imagine you're putting on a pair of ski goggles, okay? >> jimmy: i don't have to imagine. >> and i'll be behind you. this is the oculus rift. >> jimmy: the oculus rift. >> the oculus rift. this started as a small -- >> jimmy: what is going on? [ laughter ] whoa! >> get that adjusted. >> jimmy: holy mackerel. >> okay, so look. look to your left. look to your right. look to your right. all right, now look behind you. don't move your body. just move your head. turn around and look behind you. [ laughter ] all right. all right, you want to -- okay, look forward. look forward. so here's the thing. >> jimmy: wow. >> this started as a small project that a few guys were working on. they wanted to make $250,000. >> jimmy: is that a person? >> okay, yeah. here, take this controller. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> use the left stick. it's an xbox controller. use the left stick and walk up to those people.
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go ahead. walk up to those knights. walk right up to that knight. >> jimmy: got it. >> that guy in the middle. walk right up to him. all right. get right in his face. now, look down. look at that codpiece. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why'd you make me do that!? [ cheers and applause ] why did you make me -- unbelievable. unbelievable. >> so this started as a little project. they made -- they made -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on, man. >> they made $2.4 million on kickstarter, and now they're making developer kits. they're going out in march for $300 to developers. and this is going to be coming to consumers and it is -- mind -- it's mind-blowing. >> jimmy: it's a game-changer. >> it's a game-changer. >> jimmy: we always love when you come by. thank you so much. >> hey, thank you. are you okay? >> jimmy: yeah, i'm very good. josh topolsky, check out that website. it's great. bad religion performs next! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so, we all set?
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i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ]
1:24 am
and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady, who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters extender cleans high and low, with thick all around fibers that attract and lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer dusters refills are available with the fresh scent of gain. ♪ you! get k-y yours + mine and a gift card to ♪ and a gift card to i played a round of in the last five hours?
1:25 am
then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater; jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours.
1:26 am
1:27 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: get ready, guys. our next guests are punk rock legends who just scored their highest chart debut of their career with their 16th album "true north." performing the song "past is dead," please welcome, bad religion.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ solemn regret transgressions fill my head a measure of success is how well to forget ♪ ♪ and the past is dead ♪ ♪ ♪ strewn about the battlefield of life are the remainders of history when convenient ♪ ♪ we exalt them and pay them such respect
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as if we're all in an equivalent trajectory ♪ ♪ and trash piles high in the rubble we forgot the angels of our nature just sit and watch it rot ♪ ♪ now the past is dead let's focus on tomorrow instead ♪ ♪ oh, the tragic present said the past is dead ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ who can say what constitutes the most important sector of society when the dominant portion ♪ ♪ seek an instant gratification and are proud of intellectual poverty ♪ ♪ i'd like to be empathetic but i can't ♪ ♪ the jeopardy too great to make a stand now the past is dead ♪ ♪ good deeds won't help you get ahead yeah, the modern signpost read ♪ ♪ the past is dead ♪ ♪ my next great decision is just lying in wait my action might turn out
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to be the world's ♪ ♪ most grievous mistake let's go! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, the past is dead more veritable words have never been read oh, the tragic present said ♪ ♪ the past is dead ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the way to do it! oh, my goodness. that's the way to do it. bad religion, come on! [ cheers and applause ] check out their new album "true north." we'll be right back, you guys. that's the way to do it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to jude law, mike tyson, joshua topolsky, bad religion once again! [ cheers and applause ] michael bolton over there! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots, everybody. you know them. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly. thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ >> carson: and welcome to the home of the apple martini. hey, everybody, i'm carson daly. we're at lola's here in west hollywood, and you are watching "last call." tonight, sundance week continues as we "spotlight" another film


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